Dental Practice: “Do You Think I Should Sell My Practice?”

By Dr. Mark Costes

April 6, 2022

At our 2021 Dental Success Summit I shared with you the story of Dr. M. A case study of a DSI client who started the mastermind program with us in 2017.

Dr. M faced a medical condition that was forcing her to step away from the chair, but retirement was not an option at her young age.


What next?

Sell the practice and pivot with the profit? Transition to a CEO role and grow the organization with more offices and providers?

Check out the video below where I share the game plan we put together for Dr. M and the crucial details of step one to execute the plan.


If you missed the announcement before, we are thrilled to share that registration for the 2022 Dental Success Summit is open June 10-11 in gorgeous Scottsdale, AZ.

Click Here for more information.

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